- PhD: PhD Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations
Keele University, Staffordshire., 2010–2015 - Profesiynol: Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching (PgCHE)
University of Kent, 2014–2015 - Postgraduate Diploma- Industrial & Labour Relations
1999–2000 - MA in Education Management
Keele University, Staffordshire., 1996–1997 - Postgraduate Diploma in Education Management
1995–1995 - Postgraduate Diploma in Technical & Vocational Education
1994–1995 - Higher Diploma in Human Resource Management
Cyfleoedd Project Ôl-radd
PhD Supervisions/ Completions
 An Evaluation of the Impact of Training and Development: A Case study of Selected Commercial Banks in Nigeria (Student name-MARTINA NGOHIDE AGENA). Completed in February 2023
 Employees’ perceptions of work engagement and the feeling of being engaged: a case of Nigeria’s private and public universities. (Student name- Adesina A. Ajulo). Completed in April 2023
Zedias is passionately interested in researching the application of International Labour Standards and Conventions and the dynamics that influence organisational behaviour in both private and public sector organisations.
Current research interests is in examining:
• Collective bargaining and employee voice and engagement in the global economy with an emphasis on the domestication of ILO conventions and standards.
• Tripartite consultation systems and the role of negotiation and social dialogue in managing workplace disputes and improving organisational performance.
• Dynamics of trade union-political party alliances and their impact on Employee engagement
• Trade union-renewal strategies and the impact on productivity with an emphasis on Sub Saharan Africa.
• HRM practices and strategies of Multinational Corporations in developing countries.
• Trade unionism and larger questions of political economy
• Organisational Behaviour within the Informal Economy and Export Processing Zones
• The impact of leadership on the employment relationship in times of organisational restructuring and change.
- Cyhoeddwyd
Mutema, Z., 1 Ebr 2023, Employee Relations and Trade Unions in Africa: A Critical Approach. Mordi, C., Adekoya, O. D. & Ajonbadi, H. A. (gol.). Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, t. 49-70 21 t.
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