Modiwl SNS-0002:
Foundation Year Chemistry
Foundation Year Chemistry 2024-25
School Of Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Ewa Krzyszczyk
Topics covered by this module could include the following: Atomic structure and bonding: appreciation and understanding of atomic structure; electron configurations of atoms and ions (s,p,d,f notation); mass numbers and isotopes, introduction to mass spectrometry and its use as an analytical tool. Bonding, intermolecular and intramolecular interactions and the link to physical properties. Periodicity – oxidation number, explaining properties based on electronic structure.
Introduction to Organic chemistry: IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds; representing compounds, molecular formula, displayed formula, skeletal formula; isomerism – structural and stereoisomers, functional groups and exemplar reactions involving functional groups.
Amount of substance: relative atomic mass and molecular mass; Avogadro constant and the mole; chemical calculations involving concentration and number of moles; simple acid- base equilibria, pH calculation, indicators and titrations; Le-Chatelier’s principle and chemical equilibria, Kc for homogeneous systems only.
Assessment Strategy
-excellent (Grades A- and above): An excellent understanding of the subject matter with virtually no inaccuracies and misconceptions evident. Demonstrates a very good ability to apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios, with very few errors. The clarity of information presentation is excellent and use of appropriate, subject-specific terminology is very well developed. Evidence of reflectivity in the work produced.
-good (Grades B- to B+): A good understanding of the subject matter. Very few inaccuracies and misconceptions evident. Demonstrates ability to apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios, with few errors. The clarity of information presentation is good and use of appropriate, subject-specific terminology is well-developed. There is evidence of engagement with the wider literature and published information sources.
-another level (Grades C- to C+): A clearer understanding of the subject matter. Demonstrates ability to apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios, but with some errors. The clarity of information presentation is acceptable and use of appropriate, subject-specific terminology is developing. There is evidence of some limited engagement with the wider literature and published information sources.
-threshold (Grades D- to D+): Demonstrates a basic understanding of the subject but some errors present. Some inaccuracies and misconceptions evident. Limited ability to apply subject knowledge to new or different scenarios. The clarity of information presentation is weak and use of appropriate, subject-specific terminology is limited.
Learning Outcomes
- Apply chemical principles to different subject areas.
- Demonstrate an accurate understanding of chemical principles and concepts.
- Demonstrate an understanding of appropriate methods in chemistry.
- Present information clearly and logically using specialist vocabulary.
Assessment type
Assessment type
Assessment type
Assessment type
Assessment type