Modiwl MSE-2010:
Therapeutics & Practice
Therapeutics & Practice 2024-25
North Wales Medical School
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Mahab Aljannat
Topics include the history and pharmacology of antibiotics, development and use of antiprotozoal and antiviral agents, and the treatment of some common and less commonly seen infections. The module will examine how disease management and drug delivery are linked. The adverse effects of infectious disease on the organs of the body will be covered to highlight benefits of therapeutic intervention.
Assessment Strategy
Excellent (Grade A/70%>) Work displays comprehensive knowledge and detailed understanding, reflecting extensive background study. The work is highly focussed, well structured, logically presented and with defended arguments. The work contains original interpretation and new links between topics are developed. The work is presented to a high standard with accurate communication and no factual or computational errors.
Good (Grade B / 60%>) Work displays sound knowledge and understanding but with some limitations. There is evidence of background study. The work had a defined and logical structure but with some weaknesses in the way in which arguments are presented. There is some original interpretation and demonstration of links between topics. The work is presented carefully with accurate communication and few factual or computational errors.
Pass (Grade D / 40%>) The work only demonstrates knowledge of key areas/principles and there is limited evidence of originality or of background study. The work contains some irrelevant material and weaknesses in structure. Arguments are presented but they lack coherence. The work contains factual/computational errors with little evidence of problem solving. There are weaknesses in the standard of the presentation and its accuracy
Learning Outcomes
- Apply knowledge in appropriate use of medicines through case studies and wider reading.
- Demonstrate a good understanding of factors impacting the rational choices of drugs for the treatment of common and less common infections.
- Discuss the benefits and the consequences of using medicines in clinical practice.
- Outline safe, effective and economic use of medicines in clinical settings.
- Understand the pharmacology of commonly used medicines used to treat infectious diseases.
Assessment method
Exam (Centrally Scheduled)
Assessment type
MCQ and SAQ Exam
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Critical analysis report
Due date