Modiwl DXX-3709:
Geographical Thought
Geographical Thought 2024-25
School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
Module - Semester 1 & 2
20 credits
Module Organiser:
Graham Bird
Module topics may typically include:
- What makes something geographical and what is geographical data?
- The foundation of Geography and geography not cosmography
- The role empire in the development of geography
- Key paradigms in geographical research and the the production of geographical knowledge and data
- Identifying research gaps and proposing research.
Assessment Strategy
-threshold -Grade D- (42%) to D+ (48%): The seminar papers demonstrates a generally accurate understanding of key concepts and attempts to apply concepts to new scenarios, but with rom for improvement in the depth of analysis. A coherent argument is presented but with some gaps. Annotated bibliography & Research Proposal Demonstrates some limited engagement with the relevant literature and is able to identify areas for further research. There is some context provided, but this could be strengthened in terms of rationale for the research. They meet most of the requirements, but could be improved in terms of style and/or content.
-C- (52%) to C+ (58%): The seminar papers demonstrates an accurate understanding of key concepts. There has been an attempt to apply concepts to new scenarios, which is factually correct, but with room for improvement in the depth of analysis and criticality. A coherent argument is presented but with some minor gaps or scope for improvement in presentation style. Annotated bibliography & Research Proposal Demonstrates engagement with the relevant literature but with scope to improve the quality and/or range of sources used. Shows an ability to identify areas for further research but could strengthen the focus on a specific research question. There is some context provided, which is good in places but with room for improvement regarding the rationale provided. They meet the requirements, but could be improved in terms of style and/or content.
-good -Grade B- (62%) to B+ (68%): The seminar papers demonstrates an accurate and at times critical, understanding of key concepts. There is success in applying concepts to new scenarios, but with room for improvement in the depth of analysis and criticality. A coherent argument is presented but with some minor gaps.Annotated bibliography & Research ProposalDemonstrates good engagement with the relevant literature and is able to identify areas for further research and a focused research question. There is well-developed context provided, but there is limited room for improvement regarding the rationale provided. They meet most of the requirements, but could be improved in terms of style and/or content.
-excellent -Grade A- (74%) and above: The seminar papers demonstrates well-developed, highly accurate and critical, understanding of key concepts. Concepts are successfully applied to new scenarios and logical and coherent argument is presented. Annotated bibliography & Research Proposal Demonstrates extensive engagement with the relevant literature and clearly identifies a focused research question within a broader area of possible research. There is highly-developed context provided, with strong rationale and evidence of criticality. All of the requirements are met and work is presented in a highly-developed written style.
Learning Outcomes
- Accurately explain geographical concepts and apply them to new scenarios
- Communicate information clearly and concisely using both oral and written means.
- Identify and contextualize a research question within the subject of geography.
- Synthesize and critically evaluate existing research
Assessment method
Assessment type
Annotated Bibliography
Due date
Assessment method
Assessment type
Research Proposal
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Seminar paper 1
Due date
Assessment method
Individual Presentation
Assessment type
Seminar Paper 2
Due date