Modiwlau cwrs 3QV1 | BA/ELH
BA History and English Literature
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 1
English Literature Compulsory Modules
The student must take 20 credits
from the module.
QXE-1013 Reading, Thinking, Writing
(Semester 1)
English Literature Optional Modules
The student must take 40 credits
from the modules.
40 credits from The student must take between 20 and 40
credits from the modules.
QXE-1014 Gothic
(Semester 1)
QXE-1003 Intro. to Pre- Modern Literatu
(Semester 1)
QXE-1004 Comedy
(Semester 2)
QXE-1016 Children's Fiction
(Semester 2)
English Literature - Other Options
Students must take at least 20
credits from the main list of English Literature options
but can choose up to 20 credits from these 'other options'
if they wish. The student must take a maximum of 20
credits from the modules.
LXE-1700 Creating National Histories
(Semester 1)
LXE-1600 Transnational Cultures
(Semester 2)
History Modules The student must take a minimum of 60
credits from the modules in History Modules.
HXW-1007 Wales: Princes to Tudors
(Semester 1)
HXC-1004 Cyflwyniad Hanes Modern
(Semester 1)
HXC-1007 Cymru: Tywysogion i Duduriaid
(Semester 1)
HXH-1004 Intro Modern History1815-1914
(Semester 1)
HXA-1008 Intro. to Historic Archaeology
(Semester 2)
HXH-1011 Europe in the High Middle Ages
(Semester 2)
HXH-1002 The Six Lives of Henry VIII
(Semester 2)
HXC-1013 Archeoleg Hanesyddol
(Semester 2)
HXC-1006 Cymru yn y Byd Modern
(Semester 2)
HXW-1010 Wales in the Modern World
(Semester 2)
HXH-1012 Britain: Blitz to Brexit
(Semester 2)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 2
English Literature Modules
The student must take 60 credits
from the modules.
English Literature Compulsory
Students must take between 2 and
3 modules from this group. The student must take a minimum of 40
credits from the modules.
QXE-2005 Exploring 19th Cent Lit
(Semester 1)
QXE-2003 Exploring Early Mod Lit
(Semester 1)
QXE-2101 Exploring Medieval Literature
(Semester 2)
QXE-2019 Modern & Contemporary Lit
(Semester 2)
English Literature Options
Students may take one module from
this group The
student must take a maximum of 20 credits from the
QXE-2121 Nineteenth-Century Networks
(Semester 2)
History Modules The student must take 60 credits from
the modules in History Modules.
HGH-2118 The United States, 1877-1945
(Semester 1)
HGH-2133 The Tudors 1485-1603
(Semester 1)
HTH-2110 The Guardians of Heritage
(Semester 1)
HTA-2116 Later Prehistoric Communities
(Semester 1)
HGH-2138 Europe 1945-1992
(Semester 1)
HTH-2230 Emperors, Shoguns, and Trading
(Semester 2)
HPS-2004 20th Century Ideas & Movements
(Semester 2)
HTA-2124 Graffiti: Marking Space & Time
(Semester 2)
HGH-2139 Norman Sicily
(Semester 2)
HGC-2007 Cenhedloedd Sbaen 20fed ganrif
(Semester 2)
HTW-2127 Wales, Renaissance & Europe
(Semester 2)
HTA-2125 Time and Tide
(Semester 2)
Age of Reform Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh - students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HTC-2160 Oes Y Diwygiad : 1770-1835
(Semester 2)
HTH-2160 The Age of Reform 1770-1835
(Semester 2)
Work Placement Modules
The student may not take more than 1
HAC-2005 Lleoliad Gwaith - Semester 2
(Semester 2)
HPS-2005 Work Placement - Semester 2
(Semester 2)
Edward I Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh - students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HGC-2161 Edward Goncwerwr
(Semester 2)
HGW-2161 Under the Hammer
(Semester 2)
Owain Glyndŵr Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh - students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HTC-2123 Owain Glyndŵr a'i Fudiad
(Semester 1)
HTW-2123 Owain Glyndwr and his Movement
(Semester 1)
Making History - Historiography
Module available in EITHER
English OR in Welsh - students may choose their language of
preference for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HAC-2055 Crefft yr Hanesydd
(Semester 2)
HPS-2055 Making History
(Semester 2)
Modiwlau Blwyddyn 3
History Modules The student must take between 40 and 60
credits from the modules in Optional. Students must take
EITHER the dissertation and one other history module, OR a
special subject and two other history modules.
HGH-3138 Europe 1945-1992
(Semester 1)
HGH-3118 The United States, 1877-1945
(Semester 1)
HGH-3133 The Tudors 1485-1603
(Semester 1)
HTH-3110 The Guardians of Heritage
(Semester 1)
HTA-3124 Graffiti: Marking Space & Time
(Semester 2)
HTH-3330 Emperors, Shoguns, and Trading
(Semester 2)
HGC-3007 Cenhedloedd Sbaen 20fed ganrif
(Semester 2)
HTW-3127 Wales, Renaissance & Europe
(Semester 2)
HGH-3139 Norman Sicily
(Semester 2)
Dissertation The student may not take more than 1
HAC-3006 Traethawd Hir
(Full Term)
HPS-3006 Dissertation
(Full Term)
Owain Glyndwr Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh – students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HTC-3123 Owain Glyndwr a'i Fudiad
(Semester 1)
HTW-3123 Owain Glyndwr and his Movement
(Semester 1)
Age of Reform Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh – students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HTC-3160 Oes y Diwygiad 1770-1835
(Semester 2)
HTH-3160 The Age of Reform 1770-1835
(Semester 2)
Edward I Module available in EITHER English OR
in Welsh – students may choose their language of preference
for studying this topic The student may not take more than 1
HGC-3161 Edward Goncwerwr
(Semester 2)
HGW-3161 Under the Hammer
(Semester 2)
Work Placement The student may not take more than 1
HAC-3001 Lleoliad Gwaith
(Semester 2)
HPS-3001 Work Placement
(Semester 2)
Special Subject The student must take between 0 and 20
credits from the modules in Special Subject. Student must
take 1 module from Special Subject.
HSH-3045 Nationalism in the UK
(Semester 1)
HSH-3142 Going to the Devil
(Semester 1)
HSH-3040 The Glorious Revolution, 1685
(Semester 1)
English Literature Modules
Students must take 60 credits from
English Literature modules. Students may not take a
dissertation in both English Literature and the other
discipline of the programme.
QXE-3099 The English Dissertation
(Full Term)
QXE-3117 Exploring Early Modern Literat
(Semester 1)
QXE-3105 Reading Myth
(Semester 1)
QXE-3034 Legends and Super Heroes
(Semester 1)
QXE-3116 Exploring 19th-Century Lit
(Semester 1)
QXE-3355 Climate Change
(Semester 1)
QXE-3200 Revolution!
(Semester 2)
QXE-3031 Writing Wales, Writing Ireland
(Semester 2)
QXE-3118 Exploring Medieval Literature
(Semester 2)
QXE-3113 The Monstrous Middle Ages
(Semester 2)
QXE-3019 Modern & Contemporary Lit
(Semester 2)