As arson accounts for a significant proportion of educational sector fires which are considered to be soft targets the possibility of arson should be included in the College / Departmental Risk Assessment.
It is also important staff are aware of the vulnerability of buildings and storage areas, especially as security arrangements for the prevention of unauthorised access into buildings are limited during the working day as the University generally has an 'open door' policy for many buildings.
One of the greatest concerns is the ease a person may be able to find sources of combustion to start a serious fire; this is particularly the case when considering the storage of waste materials. The 'opportunist arsonist' often targets piles of rubbish and other combustible materials, so this area should be managed carefully.
Guidance on Prevention of Arson
Within a building:
- Never obstruct escape routes / fire exits.
- Store waste correctly and securely until its safe disposal.
- Limit the amount of paperwork on notice boards, walls etc; where necessary cover notice boards with perspex or safety glass.
- Store items e.g. equipment, paper correctly, disposing of unwanted items immediately to prevent them accumulating.
Outside a building:
Where possible site wheelie bins and skips as far away from a building - 10m if possible.
Secure bins / skips used to store hazardous waste / large amounts of waste e.g. lockable cage.
Only use enclosed skips for combustible waste materials.
Ensure skips are delivered to a designated area, away from buildings.
Ensure bins and skips are emptied regularly.
Arrange for the disposal of unexpected large waste accumulations promptly.
Restrict access to 'hidden' parts of the grounds, e.g. behind buildings.
Clear leaves and general rubbish away from buildings.
Further information can be found on the Fire Safety page
- Report concerns / suspicious behaviour to Security on ext 2795 immediately.