Deans of Colleges / Directors of Services
Who is going to help me?
Health and Safety will help, your colleagues will help and maybe there are outside experts that can help. Your starting point should be your own Health and Safety Coordinator and the H&S team.
There are also professional bodies that provide support and guidance, such as the and Higher Education organisations such as and .
Health and Safety (part of Campus Services) acts as the University's source of competent health and safety advice (as required by law) and one of our main purposes is to provide competent and useful advice for all at the University. The Department not only sets standards, interprets legislation and monitors performance but it is also a source of help and advice to Deans / Directors, Safety Coordinators and others. The central Health and Safety team cannot and does not manage health and safety within your College or Professional Service, that is up to you as the person in control, but we will offer support and advice on everything we are competent to do so.
When the Health and Safety team cannot offer specific advice, because of the specialism involved etc. they will guide you in the right direction and obtain as much information as practicable to assist you. Sometimes, external experts will occasionally be required to help (eg devising safe operating systems for use of a specialist item of equipment), such specialist advice can often be sourced from within the higher education sector and research community.
Your Health and Safety Coordinator is your key local source of day-to-day help and assistance and should be trained and competent to oversee health and safety within the College / Department. Within your College / Department you will also have a number of highly competent members of staff who will be able to help you with more specific advise; for example Field Work Coordinators, Radiation Supervisors, Display Screen Equipment Assessors.
Your College / Services Health and Safety Committee can also help oversee health and safety management systems across the College / Service and will help bring together interested parties and local experts.
The primary message is you are not alone and the central H&S team will support you throughout.