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Useful Information

How are mindfulness teachers assessed?

CMRP led the development of This system is now used within our trainings and in many other training programmes internationally.

What training does the CMRP offer?

There are now a range of mindfulness-based course curriculums being employed. At CMRP we primarily train teachers in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (the original programme from which other curriculums have developed), and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. These two programmes have the most developed research evidence base. We are also now training teachers in Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting, and in Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention.听 There are specific training processes for each of these programmes. identifies which programme a teacher is qualified to teach.

Mindfulness-based teaching is a rapidly emerging field. Appropriate codes and governance for professional practice are in development. These pages will help orientate you to these issues.

If you are a member of the general public this information will help you to access a teacher who has participated in appropriate training and is maintaining professional practice through on-going good practice engagement.听

If you are a teacher, the information will help you to understand what you need to do to support your development, and good and safe practice.

Dr Rebecca Crane,  Centre Director

A key good practice requirement for mindfulness-based teachers is engaging regularly with a Mindfulness Supervisor.

Mindfulness Supervision is a regular space that is contracted between supervisor and supervisee that enables them to reflect together on the supervisee's mindfulness practice and explore how it impacts and integrates with their work and life. This process is dedicated to developing and deepening the growth, understanding and effectiveness of the supervisee's application of mindfulness, both personally and in their working life".

We recommend that you seek a supervisor through where you can find a range of supervisors (including many of our own trainers) who offer high quality supervision.听 All Mindfulness Network supervisors fulfil the British Association of Mindfulness-Based Approaches Good Practice Guidelines for trainers and supervisors and have been carefully selected to work within this organisation.

It is important that all mindfulness-based teachers invest in the development of their own personal mindfulness practice. This is a day-by-day, moment-by-moment process involving the cultivation of practice informally in daily life, supported by daily formal meditation practice. A key part of this process is periodically taking several days out of everyday life to dedicate some time to the cultivation of practice in a supported residential setting.

It is important that mindfulness-based teachers choose residential practice settings and teachers which are congruent with their work as a mainstream mindfulness teacher. We particularly recommend the retreats offered by which are specifically designed to serve the needs of the mindfulness-based teaching community.

Promoting and Maintaining Standards in Mindfulness-based Teaching and Training: The British Association for Mindfulness-Based Approaches

As the availability of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) continues to expand, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that the training and delivery of these approaches adhere to recognised standards supporting safe and ethical practice. The , established in 2006, is the lead organisation overseeing the quality of mindfulness-based training in the UK. Its vision, mission and objectives are:

  • VISION: The Network represents the leading teacher training organisations in the UK.
  • MISSION: We are committed to supporting and developing good practice and integrity in the delivery of Mindfulness-based approaches.
  • OBJECTIVES: We do this by: Having strong collaborative relationships between member organisations. Defining, upholding and disseminating standards.

The British Association for Mindfulness-Based Approaches have developed Good Practice Guidelines (GPGs) to provide clarity about acknowledged standards in the field of MBIs. These are intended to support the safe, effective and ethical provision of mindfulness approaches in the UK. It has additionally developed GPGs for those training people to teach MBIs.

As a member organisation of the British Association for Mindfulness-Based Approaches, we strongly encourage all those teaching and training in MBIs to become familiar with these guidelines and to practice in accordance with these.

British Association for Mindfulness-Based Approaches Listing

Mindfulness-based teachers who have undergone sufficient training and are able to demonstrate adherence to the Good Practice Guidelines are eligible to be listed on the .

The BAMBA Listing provides assurance for those wishing to attend a mindfulness-based course that listed teachers have received adequate training, supervision and ongoing CPD, and add to the GPGs in their teaching.