ࡱ> MOLO bjbj88 40RWiRWi \\\\\ppp8D4p/     ./0/0/0/0/0/0/$_14T/\T/\\  i/!!!\ \ ./!./!!,h. 0'e]GjF-//0/V-55 ..5\..!T/T/ /5X ": 2.5 Awr / Hours Cyfarwyddiadau i Ymgeiswyr Atebwch ddau gwestiwn o Adran A Ni ddylair atebion yn Adran a fod yn fwy na 300 o eiriau. Atebwch un cwestiwn o Adran B Dylair atebion yn Adran B fod yn rhai sylweddol a dylent ddangos dyfnder eich gwybodaeth o Ddylunio a Thechnoleg. Instructions to candidates Answer two questions from Section A Section A answers should be no more than about 300 words. Answer one question from Section B Section B answers should be substantial and demonstrate your depth of knowledge in Design and Technology.  Adran A / Section A 1. Esboniwch arwyddocd prototeipio wrth ddylunio cynnyrch. Sut mae'r broses ailadroddol o brototeipio yn cyfrannu at lwyddiant cyffredinol prosiect dylunio? Explain the significance of prototyping in product design. How does the iterative process of prototyping contribute to the overall success of a design project? 2. Trafodwch rl ymchwil defnyddiwr yn y broses ddylunio cynnyrch. Sut fyddech chi'n defnyddior mewnwelediadau yma i lywio ac arwain eich penderfyniadau dylunio? Discuss the role of user research in the product design process. How would you use these insights to inform and guide your design decisions? 3. Mae dewis deunyddiau addas ar gyfer cynhyrchion yn golygu ystyried a gwerthuso nifer o wahanol elfennau. Drwy enghraifft o gynnyrch penodol (neu astudiaeth achos) cyfiawnhewch pam y dewiswyd y deunydd (neu ddeunyddiau) penodol i'w gynhyrchu. (Ystyriwch agweddau fel rhinweddau technegol, rhinweddau esthetig yn ogystal goblygiadau costau.) Choosing suitable materials for products involves considering and evaluating a number of different elements. Through the example of a specific product (or case study) justify why a certain material (or materials) was chosen for manufacture. (Consider aspects such as technical qualities, aesthetic qualities as well as costs implications.) Adran B / Section B 1. "Eglurwch beth mae'r dyfyniad Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. gan Steve Jobs yn golygu i chi, yn enwedig o ran dylunio cynnyrch. Trafodwch sut mae'r syniad hwn yn bwysig mewn gwahanol feysydd a pham ei fod yn bwysig wrth greu Cynnyrch a gwasanaethau ymarferol a swyddogaethol." "Explain what the quote Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. By Steve Jobs means to you, especially in terms of product design. Discuss how this idea is important in different areas and why it matters in creating practical and functional products and services." 2. Trwy ddefnyddio astudiaeth achos a / neu enghreifftiau, trafodwch ym mha ffyrdd y dylai cynaliadwyedd chwarae rhan wrth ddylunio cynnyrch. Through the use of a case study and / or examples discuss in what ways should sustainability play a role in product design.     Dylunio Cynnyrch (Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Pheirianneg) Papur Ysgoloriaeth Mynediad 2024 Product Design (School of Computer Science and Engineering) Entrance Scholarships 2024  ,/48DKMo  / 6 = @ P Y Z o " # $ % / 0 8 9 : ; ռ➞⑄h4]h$OJQJ^Jh4]huOJQJ^J!h4]h{56OJQJ]^JhIu6OJQJ]^JhIu56OJQJ]^JhIuOJQJ]^JhIu5OJQJ]^Jh4]h{5OJQJ^Jh4]h{56OJQJ^J1,M  6 Z " # $$Ifa$l $a$gd{$a$gd0# $ % 9 : ; {sRPPC 0^`0gd_!$$d&d-DM NPa$gd0$a$gd{kd$$Ifl0% t0644 lap; < ? 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